Dear clients,as per our last announcement, we want to inform that the transformation/Migration from our old Coreconsisting of a Cisco 6509 switch has been completed. Last optimizations where made yesterday.All is successful and running on a completely new routing stack.We are now running on a Juniper MX960 PREM3 as Core Router and have some ... بیشتر »
Dear Clients, following up to our email a week ago, we are now announcing a time window to switch over to our new Core-Routing Stack. We hereby announce this 24h before as also mentioned in last email. As mentioned our new Core consists of a Juniper MX960-PREM3 (2+1 Redundant Routing and Switchboards) and a Stack of Arista Switches to ... بیشتر »
We'd like to keep you informed on the latest regarding security to safeguard your business. We consider the safety of your infrastructure as important as our own. Our security team identified a critical vulnerability that may affect you if you are currently using any version of Windows Server. Below, we've detailed the respective steps to take in ... بیشتر »
Dear valueed Customers, due to the lack of interest and use of the PerfectMoney payment gateway offered by us, we will not accept Perfectmoney anymore with immediate effect.This is as said due to lack of interest and high fees for it until withdrawed to bank. Only a handful (arround 10 or less) customers out of thousands of active customers ... بیشتر »