Dear valueed customers,

We hereby inform every customer about a change with our dedicated server control panel.
If you have a active Dedicated Server with us, this is to inform you that we have put our new dedicated server panel into production.

You can now login with the same Login details as you had in our old Panel at

Important: will NOT work anymore and redirect you to the new panel at

Our new Control Panel has many more and actually working functions.  With this powerful tool you can reinstall your dedicated server with the newest OS,
fully control it (reboot, boot, etc),  view Bandwdith statistics and as well even better: HTML5 console via Browser to use IPMI/ILO4/etc Console straight trough our Panel without the needs to install Java.
Many more functions are available that will make your life easy as a Dedicated Server customer at hostslick.

You can use the login credentials you had at the old control panel ( They will work. All your dedicated servers where migrated there.
Should you need to reset your password for this control panel, you can make a ticket with us at

Our Support/Billing portal is untouched and NOT affected from this, as well the VPS Control Panel.  The other panels are still the same!
Only the Dedicated Server Control Panel changed!

Thank you for your attention,

Kind Regards,
HostSlick. e. K.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

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